The Legend of Tantrum 3000

Tantrum 3000 was a normal girl named Molly, a shy girl who had a hard time making friends and frequently got bullied by her classmates due to her low-functioning autism. Because of her disability, she never spoke a single word in her entire life, and only made laughing and grunting sounds if she was bored.
One day, she discovered a weird shiny object on the ground during her way to school. When she took it up, it got stuck on her hand, and Tantrum 3000 was born. Her first word was "I am Tantrum 3000!", and she killed almost everyone in her class for making fun of her. When the time was 9:00 AM, she freaked out and screamed at the top of her lungs all the way to class. It was embarrassing since everybody was looking at her, but she didn't care anyways.
Molly tried to get the object out of her hand, but she couldn't take it anymore so she banged and flapped her hands around in the classroom and screamed endlessly at the teacher, blaming her because of the object, but she didn't have anything to do with it. Molly was then sent to speech therapy by her mom without knowing if she was on the autistic spectrum disorder or not. When the therapist tried to make her speak, she suddenly threw a tantrum and transformed into Tantrum 3000 and blasted her therapist so he died. It was successful, but then her mom stormed upstairs, and Tantrum 3000 quickly transformed back into Molly. Molly's mom asked her if she was okay, but Molly didn't answer and instead blabbering out nonsensical sentences.
While sleeping one night, Molly suddenly noticed foul odor from the window and she screamed about it so hard that she became Tantrum 3000 and flew out. The city was attacked by an alien race known as the "Greedy Jews", a species from the gas planet Jupiter coming to Earth to defeat Tantrum 3000's German best friend Lara, also known as "Zyklon Bee". Tantrum 3000 tried to use her powers but got a challah shot in the face by one of the Greedy Jews so she died. Tantrum 3000 then went to heaven, and then got an advice from God that to defeat the Jews, she has to summon Zyklon Bee from a magic circle with a swastika on it. God then threw Tantrum 3000 back down in Earth, and she did what God has promised her.
Tantrum 3000 then began summoning Zyklon Bee, and Zyklon Bee appeared from the swastika magic circle and began teaming up together to defeat the Greedy Jews. Zyklon Bee then pulled out her gun and gassed the Jews, making them shit and puke in the ground and after that explode in a millions of pieces of challah. The people them cheered on both of the girls, and they graduated from high school, went to college and got a job at many different places.